Reasons of areas with an important need for eliminating submicron particles could be bomb shelters, gas masks, optic and precision mechanical production, sensitive electronic components computers, nuclear installation clean room systems pharmaceutical industry laminar flow working bench, hospital sterile areas, space application food processing zones, biological center and many more.
Air Filters with an extremely high collecting efficiency are required for theabove specific areas. The Absolute (HEPA) filter consist of frame in which the media is inserted in highly folded form. The filters are held open by corrugated separators. The media is produced from highly water repellent and temperature resistant 100% micro glass, high strength fiber paper. The folded configuration provides an exceptionally large filtering area in proportion to the face area of the filter. Separator design that provides significant advantage controlled media sparing for virtually no turbulence low friction uniform velocity, uniform dust holding optimum filter performance.
The air velocity through the media is very low, normally about 2 - 2.5 cm/sec.. The separators are safe edge tapered aluminium or plastic. The absolutes are supplied as standard with gasket of either closed cell neoprene are if desired and at on extra charge with silicon gasket. The gaskets are provided at air entry side and air exit side. The sealer between the filter media and the frame is of neaprene rubber base silicone glue, urethene compound or ceramics according to the temperature requirements.